<h2>SISE CLOTHING METAL ACCESSORIES COMPANY</h2> <h3>Company Name:</h3><p>SISE CLOTHING METAL ACCESSORIES COMPANY</p> <h3>Tel:</h3><p>886-6-5705182</p> <h3>Fax:</h3><p>886-6-5705900</p> <h3>Email:</h3><p></p> <h3>Website:</h3><p>www.sisegarmentaccessory.com</p> <h3>Country:</h3><p>Taiwan</p> <h3>State:</h3><p></p> <h3>City:</h3><p>Tainan City</p> <h3>Zip/Postal Code:</h3><p></p> <h3>Address:</h3><p>No.47-3, Beishiliao, Madou Dist., Tainan City 721, Taiwan (R.O.C.)</p> <h3>Main Product:</h3><p>Basic Belt Buckles Buttons Hook Ornamental Buckle Shoe ornament</p> <h3>Company Profile:</h3><p><p>Dear Sirs, We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We have been doing Fashion and Apparel Accessories handicrafts nearly 50 years. Our main products are buckles, buttons for making shoes, cloth, bags, bracelet and earrings etc. If you are interested in cooperating with us, we will be happy to welcome you to send a mail or go on to look our web site. Fashion and Apparel Accessories all From Taiwan.&nbsp;</p></p>